Dr. Susan Bilek

Susan Bilek, PhD


Earth & Environmental Science

Research Areas

My primary research interests focus on signals generated by earthquakes (large and small) as
well as seismic signals generated by shallow environmental forces. My current and recent research projects related to earthquakes include using small magnitude earthquakes to probe fault conditions in many of the global subduction zones, including along the Pacific Northwest of North America and Costa Rica, as well as using local earthquakes in central New Mexico to study the mid-crustal Socorro magma body. For some of the local studies of the Socorro magma body, my students and I have used the large-N seismic instrument capabilities of the EarthScope instrumentation facility (EPIC), also housed 在NMT,部署数百个地震仪器.

I am also highly engaged in the growing field of environmental seismology, using seismic energy produced from shallow/surficial processes to help characterize these environmental forces.  My current projects in this area include characterizing flow in a shallow karst aquifer in northern Florida as well as tracking bedload movement during monsoon 新墨西哥州和以色列的山洪暴发.  这些项目都是跨学科的, with colleagues in hydrology, geodesy, and geomorphology all involved in field data 收集和分析.


Earth Processes, Catastrophic Earth, Earthquake and Volcano Hazards, General Geophysics, Theoretical Seismology, Observational Seismology, Earthquake and Fault Mechanics, 环境地震学


If you would like a reprint of any of my publications, please send me an email.

 *Luong, L., Cadol, D., Bilek, S.L., McLaughlin, J.M., Laronne, J., and Turowski, J.,砾石床层质输运的地震模拟 alluvial channels, J. 地球物理研究-地球表面; http://doi.org/10.1029/2024JF007761, 2024.

*Gochenour, J.A., Rinehart, A.J., Luhmann, A.J., Grapenthin, R., Bilek, S.L., Poroelastic Response to Karst Conduit Pressurization: A Finite Element Modeling Exercise Toward the Use of Tiltmeters in Karst Aquifer Monitoring Applications, Water Resources. Res., http://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR034293, 2024.

*Gochenour, J., Bilek, S.L., Woo, H.B.A,石墨烯,R,马丁,J.,环境地震噪声层析成像 within the Floridan Aquifer System, Santa Fe River-Sink Rise, Florida, U.S, J. 地球物理研究——固体地球, 129, e2023JB027644. http://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB027644, 2024.

Bilek, S.L., Luhmann, A.J., Grapenthin, R., Woo, H.B., and Gochenour, J.A., Capturing seismic signals from karst aquifer injection experiments and a natural recharge event, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JB025635. http://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025635, 2023.

Morton, E.A., Bilek, S.L., and Rowe, C.A., Cascadia Subduction Zone Fault Heterogeneities from Newly Detected 小震级地震; J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2023JB026607, http:/doi.org/10.0129/2023JB026607, 2023.

*Niklasson, S.M., Veneziani, M., Rowe, C.A., Worcester, P.F., Dzieciuch, M.A., Bilek, S.L., Price, S.F., and Roberts, A.F.,估算北冰洋声波传播时间 an Earth system model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102216. http://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102216, 2023.

Woo, H.B., Bilek, S.L., Gochenour, J.A., Grapenthin, R., Luhmann, A.J., Martin, J.B., Processing ambient noise data using phase cross-correlation and application towards understanding spatiotemporal 环境影响, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surface, http://doi.org/10.1029/2023JF007091, 2023.

Glasgow, M., Schmandt, B., and Bilek, S.L., Cascading Multi-Segment Rupture in an Injection-Induced Earthquake Sequence with a Mw 5.3 Mainshock, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 620, 118335,  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118335, 2023.

Rowe, C.A.,  Nuñez-Cornu, F.J., Núñez, D., Bilek, S., Lindsey, N., Advances in Ocean Bottom Seismology, Frontiers in Earth Science (Solid 地球物理部分),doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.852059, 2022.

Glasgow, M., Schmandt, B., Wang, R., Zhange, M., Bilek, S.L., Kiser, E., Raton Basin induced seismicity is hosted by networks of short basement 断层和模拟构造地震统计; J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2021JB022839, 2021.

*Finlay, T.S., Worthingthon, L.L., Schmandt, B., Ranasinghe, N.R., Bilek, S.L., and Aster, R.C., Teleseismic scattered-wave imaging using a large-N array in the 新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基盆地, Seismo. Res. Lett., 91, 287-303, doi:10.1785/0220190146, 2020.

Sweet, J.R., Huerta, A., Winberry, P., Anderson, K., Beaudoin, B., Bilek, S.L., Carpenter, P., and Woodward, R.为冰雪覆盖地区建造地球物理观测站 环境(GEOICE),提交 EOS., 2020.

Pankow, K.L., Stickney, M., Ben-Horin, J.Y., Litherland, M., Payne, S., Koper, K.D., Bilek, S.L., and Bogolub, K., Regional seismic network monitoring in the eastern Intermountain West, submitted to Seismo. Res. Lett., 91, 631-646, doi: 10.1785/0220190209, 2020.

*Morton, E.A., Bilek, S.L., and Rowe, C., Newly detected earthquakes in Cascadia subduction zone linked to 海山俯冲和上部板块变形;Geology, 46, 943-946, doi:10.1130/G45354.1, 2018.

Bilek, S.L. and Lay, T.,俯冲带大逆冲地震,(特邀评论论文) Geospheres, 14, doi:10.1130/GES01608.1, 2018.

Bilek, S.L., Schmandt, B., Worthington, L.L., Aster, R.C., Finlay, T.S., and Schmidt, J., The 2015 Sevilleta Socorro岩浆体混合模式地震实验;Seismo. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1785/0220180070, 2018.

Sweet, J.R., Anderson, K.R., Bilek, S., Brudzinski, M., Chen, X., DeShon, H., Hayward, C., Karplus, M., Keranen, K., Langston, C., Lin, F-C., Magnani, B., Woodward, R.L.社团实验记录完整 俄克拉荷马州的地震波场 Seismo. Res. Lett., doi:10.1785/0220180079, 2018.

Ranasinghe, N.R., Worthington, L.L., Schmandt, B., Jiang, C.X., Finlay, T. , S.L. Bilek, and Aster, R.C., Upper crustal shear wave velocity structure of the south-central Rio Grande Rift above the Socorro magma body imaged with ambient noise by the large-N 塞维利亚地震阵列; Seismo. Res. Lett., 89, 1708-1719, doi:10.1785/0220180074, 2018.

*Ortiz, J.P., Person, M.A., Mozley, P.S., Evans, J.P., and Bilek, S.L., Hydrologic connection between basal reservoir injection, crystalline basement fault 带和诱发地震活动, Groundwater, doi:10.1111/gwat.12818, 2018.

*Nakai, J.S., Weingarten, M., Sheehan, A.F., Bilek, S.L., and Ge, S., A possible causative mechanism of Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado earthquakes using recent seismicity patterns and pore pressure modeling, J. Geophys. Res, doi:10.1002/2017JB014415, 2017.

*Nakai, J.S., Sheehan, A.F. and Bilek, S.L., Seismicity of the rocky mountains and Rio Grande Rift from the EarthScope Transportable 阵列和CREST临时地震台网,2008-2010; J. Geophys. Res., 122, 1–20, doi:10.1002/2016JB013389, 2017.

Bilek, S.L. H.M. Rotman, and W.S. 菲利普斯(2016),低应力降地震 1992年尼加拉瓜海啸地震的破裂带, 地球物理研究快报, 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070409.

*Zhang, Y., Edel, S.S., Pepin, J., Person, M., Broadhead, R., Stone, W., Bilek, S.L., Mozley, P., and Evans, J.P.,(2016)探索油田之间的潜在联系 Brine Reinjection, Crystalline Basement Permeability, and Triggered Seismicity for the Dagger Draw Oil Field, Southeastern New Mexico, USA Using Hydrologic Modeling, Geofluids, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12199.

*Morton, E.A. and Bilek, S.L., (2015) Preliminary event detection of earthquakes using Cascadia Initiative data, 地震研究通讯,5. 86, 1270-1277, 2015.

*Morton, E., and Bilek, S.L., Limited dynamic triggering in the Socorro Magma Body region, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 104:2182-2193, 2014.

Wang, K. and Bilek, S.L., Invited review paper: Fault creep caused by subduction of rough seafloor relief, Tectonophysics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto2013.11.024, 2013.

*El Hariri, M., Bilek, S.L., DeShon, H.R., Engdahl, E.R., and Bisrat, S.,破裂沿走向变异性 俯冲带地震持续时间; J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2012JB009548, 2013.

Pursley, J., Bilek, S.L. and Ruhl, C.,新墨西哥州及其周边地区的地震目录 areas: 2005-2009, New Mexico Geology, v. 35, no. 1, 3-12, 2013.

*Schramm, K., Patton, H., Abbott, R., Bilek, S., Pancha, A., and Asten, M., Broadband Rayleigh-wave dispersion curve and shear wave velocity structure for Yucca Flat, Nevada, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 102, doi:10.1785/0120110296, 2012.

Bilek, S.L., DeShon, H.R., and Engdahl, E.R.,震源的空间变化 2011年Mw=9以内的特征.日本东北断裂带; Geophys. Res. Lett.39, L09304, doi:10.1029/2012GL051399, 2012.

Bilek, S.L., Engdahl, E.R., DeShon, H.R., and El Hariri, M., 2010年10月25日苏门答腊岛 海啸地震:缓慢地滑倒, Geophys. Res. Lett.38, L14306,doi:10.1029/2011GL047864, 2011.

Stankova-Pursley, J., Bilek, S.L., Phillips, W.S. and Newman, A.V.,沿程变化 of earthquake apparent stress at the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica subduction zone, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q08002, doi:10.1029/2011GC003558, 2011.

Wang, K. and Bilek, S.L.俯冲海山会产生或阻止地震吗?, Geology, 39, 819-822, 2011.

*El Hariri, M., and S.L. 比莱克,应力变化与余震分布 1994年和2006年爪哇俯冲带地震序列, J. Geophys. Res.,116, B06306, doi:10.1029/2010JB008124, 2011.

*Moyer, P., Bilek, S.L., and Phillips, W.S.哥斯达黎加奥萨半岛附近的明显应力变化, 受俯冲水深特征的影响, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L02304, doi:10.1029/2010GL045955, 2011.

*Ruhl, C., S.L. Bilek, and J. Stankova-Pursley,重新定位与表征 the August 2009 microearthquake swarm above the Socorro Magma Body in the central Rio Grande Rift, Geophys. Res. Lett.,37, L23304, doi:10.1029/2010GL045162, 2010.

S.L. Bilek, 俯冲侵蚀对地震活动性的作用; Geology, v. 38, 479-480, doi:10.1130/focus052010.1, 2010.

S.L. Bilek, C.E. Elliott, and C. Lithgow-Bertelloni,触发地震活动相关 1990年哥斯达黎加尼科亚湾(Mw=7).0) earthquake, Geochem. Geop. Geosystems, 10, Q04S13, doi:10.1029/2008GC002317, 2009.

S.L. Bilek, Seismicity along the South American subduction zone: Large earthquakes, 海啸和俯冲带的复杂性, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/jtecto.2009.02.037, 2009.

Stankova-Pursley, J.*, S.L. Bilek, C.A. Rowe, and R.C. 紫菀的特点 October 2005 microearthquake swarm and reactivation of seismic swarms over decade-scale 新墨西哥州索科罗附近的时间段 美国地震学会公报, 98, 93-105, 2008.

Bilek, S.L., Using earthquake rupture variations along the Sumatra-Andaman subduction 检查断层带变化的系统; 美国地震学会会刊,1997, S62-S70, 2007. Abstract

Geist, E.L., V.V. Titov, D. Arcas, F. Pollitz, and S.L. 比莱克,《威尼斯人app》 December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on tsunami forecast and assessment models 对于大的俯冲带地震, 美国地震学会会刊,1997, S249-S270, 2007. Abstract

Bilek, S.L., K. Satake, and K. 谢先生,2004年特刊简介 安达曼地震, 美国地震学会会刊,1997, S1-S5, 2007. Extract

Bilek, S.L.,俯冲地形对地震破裂的影响,地质学报 俯冲逆冲断层的发震带, ed. T. Dixon and C. 摩尔,哥伦比亚大学出版社,第2页. 123-146, 2007.

Lay, T., and S.L. Bilek, Anomalous earthquake ruptures at shallow depths on subduction zone megathrusts, in, 俯冲逆冲断层的发震带, ed. T. Dixon and C. 摩尔,哥伦比亚大学出版社,第2页. 476-511, 2007.

Bilek, S.L., and E.R. 余震的破裂特征和重新定位 for the 1994 and 2006 tsunami earthquakes in the Java subduction zone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L20311, doi:10.1029/GL031357, 2007. Abstract

Geist, E.L., S.L. Bilek, D. Arcas, C.E. Synolakis, V.V. Titov, D.H. 奥本海默的差异 in tsunami generation between the December 26, 2004 and March 28, 2005 Sumatra earthquakes, 地球、行星、太空,第58页, 185-193, 2006. Abstract.

Lay, T., Kanamori, H., Ammon, C.J., Nettles. M., Ward, S.N., Aster, R.C., Beck, S.L., Bilek, S.L., Brudzinski, M.R., Butler, R., DeShon, H.R., Ekström, G., Satake, K., Sipkin, S. 2005年12月26日苏门答腊-安达曼大地震;Science, 308,第5725期,1127-1133期,2005年5月20日. Abstract.

Bilek, S.L. and C. Lithgow-Bertelloni,哥斯达黎加俯冲的应力变化 区域由于1999年的Mw=6.9 Quepos earthquake, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 230, 97-112, 2005. Summary.

Bilek, S.L., C.P. Conrad, and C. Lithgow-Bertelloni,板坯拉力,板坯弱化,和 它们与深板内地震活动的关系, Geophys. Res. Lett, 32, L14305, doi:10.1029/2005GL022922, 2005.Abstract

Bilek, S.L., T. Lay, and L.J. Ruff,辐射地震能量和震源 duration variations from teleseismic source time functions for shallow subduction 带逆冲地震; J. 地球物理研究,2009, B09308, doi:10.1029/2004JB00309, 2004. Abstract.

Conrad, C.P., Bilek, S.利思高-贝尔泰罗尼,C., 2004. 大地震与平板 pull: interaction between seismic coupling and plate-slab coupling. 地球与行星科学通讯,2008, 109-122. Abstract.

Bilek, S.L., S.Y. Schwartz, and H.R. DeShon. 海底粗糙度对地震的控制 rupture behavior, Geology, 31, 455-458, 2003. Abstract

DeShon, H.R., S.Y. Schwartz, S.L. Bilek, L.M. Dorman, J.M. Protti, V. Gonzalez, E.R. Flueh, and T.H. Dixon. Seismogenic zone structure of the southern Middle America Trench, Costa Rica, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 2491, doi:10.1029/2002JB002294, 2003.Abstract

Bilek, S.L. and L.J. Ruff, 2001年6月23日的分析,Mw=8.4 Peru underthrusting 地震和余震, Geophys. Res. Lett, 29 (20), 1960, doi:10.1029/2002GL015543, 2002. Abstract

Bilek, S.L. and T. Lay,海啸可能是地震的普遍表现 摩擦条件稳定性, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29 (14), 1673, doi:10.1029/2002GL015215, 2002. Abstract

Geist, E.L. and S.L. Bilek, Effect of depth-dependent shear modulus on tsunami generation 沿着俯冲带, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1315-1318, 2001. Abstract

Bilek, S.L. and T. Lay, Depth dependent rupture properties in Circum-Pacific subduction zones, in 地质复杂性和地震物理学,中国地质大学地球物理专刊,2000,20 (5):559 - 567.

Bilek, S.L. and T. 地层中深度相关断裂带性质的比较 日本海沟和中美洲海沟, 地球物理学报,2014, 433-456, 1999. Abstract

Bilek, S.L. and T. 沿板间逆冲构造,刚性随深度变化 俯冲带断层; Nature, 400, 443-446, 1999. Abstract

Bilek, S.L. and T. 板块间断裂带性质随深度的变化 日本俯冲带 Science, 281, 1175-1178, 1998. Abstract

Bilek, S.L. and T. Lay, Lower mantle heterogeneity beneath Eurasia imaged by parametric 横波的迁移; 地球和行星内部的物理学,2008, 201-218, 1998. Summary

Brocher, T.M., S.L. Bilek, R.W. Clayton, G.S. Fuis, and D.A. 好的,广角堆叠 recordings of air-gun signals from the 1994 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), California, USGS开放文件报告97-132, 1997.